Marijuana Possession Charge Dismissed in Monmouth County Municipal Court

Marijuana Possession Attorney Marijuana, weed, pot, etc. Regardless of the name used to identify it, Marijuana is by far the most commonly used controlled dangerous substance in New Jersey. While legislation across the country is moving towards legalization, New Jersey still treats possession of marijuana, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2c:35-10(a)4 as illegal and even criminal. depending […]

Marijuana Possession and Paraphernalia Possession Charges Dismissed in New Jersey

Possession of Marijuana and Paraphernalia, N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(4) Possessing any amount, no matter how small, of marijuana is a criminal offense here in New Jersey. The penalties for such an offense ranges anywhere from jail to fines to license suspension. Moreover, a conviction for marijuana possession, under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-10(a)(4) will permanently leave you with a criminal […]

New Jersey Client Charged With Marijuana Possession Has Charges Dismissed

New Jersey Marijuana Possession Attorney Marijuana Possession is probably the most common of all criminal charges in New Jersey. Whether the person charged is 18 or 65, the charges remain the same. By that, I mean that the charges carry a criminal record, possible incarceration, suspension of your driving privileges, fines and/or probation. For young […]