Administrative Suspension Reduced to a 1/3 But Administrative Hearing Continues

39:5-30 Lawyers Have you recently received a NJ MVC Scheduled Suspension Notice? If so, you are not alone. These suspensions are constantly being mailed out by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission in Trenton, NJ. These suspensions may stem from a variety of things, such as: Misstatement of Fact on a Motor Vehicle Application, Fault in a Fatal […]

Adminsitrative Suspension for Point Accumulation Dropped

Trenton License Suspension Attorney The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission is like a sleeping giant. They typically go unnoticed by most motorists, outside renewing you license, until NJ MVC has a reason to pay attention to you. More often than not, this reason for attention is point accumulation. Pursuant to the New Jersey Administrative Code […]

Two Six (6) Month Administrative License Suspensions For Operating During A Suspension Period Reduced to Fifteen (15) Days

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission License Suspension Attorneys One of the most common license suspensions in New Jersey takes the form of an Administrative Suspension by the Motor Vehicle Commission (commonly referred to an NJ DMV). These administrative suspensions may be the result of point accumulation, fault in an accident involving serious injury or death, […]

Six-Month “Operating During Suspension Period” Reduced to 15 Days

NJ MVC Administrative Suspensions are automatically issued for when a New Jersey Driver is issued a ticket, whether it be a parking or traffic ticket, during a period of suspension. Often, in these instances, the driver is issued a ticket for speeding, careless driving, or some other moving violation, but not a ticket for Driving While […]

22-Month ‘Fatal Accident’ Suspension Reduced to 30 Days

NJ MVC Administrative Suspensions are automatically issued for any accident where the NJ MVC deems a driver at fault for a fatality. In addition to the difficult process of coping with the consequences of such an unfortunate accident, these often-lengthy suspensions really kick a driver when they’re already down. Fortunately, an opportunity to hold a […]

Out-of-State DWI Suspensions and NJ License Holders – FAQs

We often field questions from prospective clients regarding how an out-of-state DWI can affect a person’s New Jersey license and privilege to drive. Below are some of the most common questions and answers. Contact a NJ License Suspension Attorney at the Law Offices of Jonathan Marshall to find out more about how we can help […]

Suspension Avoided at ‘Operating During a Suspension Period’ NJ MVC Hearing

Recently we appeared on a client’s first-ever suspension hearing for Operating During a Suspension Period, and it was met with great results. By the end of the hearing, our client was let off with “no action,” meaning that his license would not be suspended for any period of time. It was a great result that you […]

180 Day Suspension for Operating During Suspension Period Reduced to No Action

NJ MVC Suspension Reduced to Zero Days at ‘Operating During a Suspension Period’ Hearing We’re happy to blog on a big win for us yesterday, as our client walked out of a Trenton NJ MVC Hearing with his license intact, and no suspension to follow. The MVC Hearing was for an “Operating During a Suspension Period” suspension, […]

‘Accumulation of Points’ and ‘Persistent Violator’ Suspension Reduced by 66%

Today was another shining example how our firm can reduce a MVC Scheduled Suspension term, even for a client with a very poor driver’s history. Our firm appeared with one such client today at the Trenton Motor Vehicle Commission for a joint hearing – a consolidation of two separate Administrative Suspensions for the same individual. […]

390-Day Suspension Reduced to 30 Days at NJ MVC Hearing

This week I saw a major victory at the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission. A client of ours had hired us several months ago to work on multiple administrative suspensions she she was scheduled to receive, and after all was said and done, the total license suspension period was reduced from 13 months to just 30 […]

14 Year “Misstatement of Fact” Suspension Reduced to 9 Months

Last week, I achieved what most would consider to be an exceptional result for our client by having a “Misstatement of Fact on a Driver’s License Application” suspension reduced from 14 years, down to just 9 months. The client was ecstatic. Like most “Misstatement of Fact” suspensions, our client used another person’s information to secure […]

‘Misstatement of Fact’ Suspension Reduced by 75%

Yesterday, we appeared on a ‘Misstatement of Fact on an Application‘ license suspension at the NJ Motor Vehicle Commission and were successful in negotiating down the proposed suspension term by 75%. The case arose out of criminal charges for Tampering with Public Records under N.J.S.A. 2C:28-7, which our office also represented the client on in Superior Court. Despite […]

Suspensions for Fault in a Fatal Accident Explained

A Motor Vehicle Commission suspension for fault in a fatal accident is by far the most serious type of license suspensions that can be issued. Aside from the obvious grief one undoubtedly feels after surviving a fatal accident, being assigned the fault in a fatal accident can lead to an immediate license suspension — and […]

“Persistent Violator” Suspension Term Reduced by 70%

Recently, I was hired to represent a client on a motor vehicle hearing in Trenton regarding a “Persistent Violator Suspension,” which means that he accumulated a high number of points within a specific period of time. This particular client had a history of many points on his abstract (although they dated back to many years […]

Failure to Appear Suspensions Lifted After Dismissal of Old Tickets

Yesterday, I had two Failure to Appear license suspension clients whose court appearances in Mount Olive, NJ, and Totowa, NJ, went as well as they could have hoped. The clients had outstanding criminal and traffic matters dating back to the early 90’s, which they never knew about until recently when they attempted to renew or […]